DIY maxi skirts

DIY maxi skirts


DIY maxi skirts

If you are beginning sewer (like me) you can only make so many baby blankets and pillow cases before you have to move onto something a little more exciting! A great place to start is with a maxi skirt! They are super simple and always cute!

1. Sew Caroline: 10 Minute Maxi-Skirt DIY

DIY maxi skirts


2. Sew Much Ado: В Maxi Skirt Tutorial

DIY maxi skirts


3. Simple Bliss: Maxi Skirt Tutorial

DIY maxi skirts


4. 2 Little Hooligans: Ruffled Maxi Skirt Tutorial

DIY maxi skirts



5. The Renegade Seamstress: 15 Minute Maxi Dress

DIY maxi skirts
