preteen portrait
A preteen portrait can capture a wonderful in-between stage of life. Here are some ideas for capturing a preteen’s personality in a portrait:
Capture their interests: Does the preteen love sports, art, music, or something else entirely? Incorporate those interests into the portrait by having them wear their favorite team jersey, hold their instrument, or pose in front of a backdrop related to their hobby.
Natural light is your friend: When possible, use natural light for your portrait. It will create a softer, more flattering look.
Candid vs. Posed: A mix of candid and posed shots can be great. Candid shots can capture the preteen’s natural personality, while posed shots can give you a more formal look.
Location, location, location: Choose a location that reflects the preteen’s personality. If they love nature, take them to a park or forest. If they’re more into city life, take them to a cool downtown location.
Let their personality shine through: Most importantly, let the preteen’s personality shine through in the portrait. Encourage them to relax and have fun, and the results will be much more natural and memorable.