Diy Pillow Lounger

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  • 2 + yards of 56-60 inch wide fabric
  • Pillows 4 (or 5 is you use more than 2 yards of fabric)
  • Pins
  • Scissors
  • Sewing Machine
Diy Pillow Lounger It helps if you have a big space to work on this, I used my livingroom floor.

step 1
Layout your fabric on a large flat surface.

Put your pillows on top to measure.

I had just over 2 yards of fabric for this project (c/o waverly) so mine worked best with 4 pillows.Diy Pillow Lounger

step 2
Wrap your fabric around your pillows and pin your ends, with this right sides facing each other.

TIP: Let your fabric fold over itself on the back side. This will make an envelope fold that will help keep your pillows inside.

step 3
Using your sewing machine sew your two end seams.

Trim off any extra fabric.

Diy Pillow Lounger

step 4
Turn your fabric right side out.

Lay it out on a flat surface and measure for your pillow pockets.

Measure your fabric and your pillows and make equal sections for your pillows.

Pin your sections and use your sewing machine to sew your seams on the outside of your pillow case.

Trim off extra threads.

Diy Pillow Lounger Slide your pillows into each of the compartments, they should fit a bit snug.Diy Pillow Lounger

This fabric was just perfect for a pillow lounger.

Diy Pillow Lounger

Source: HERE