Arnica tincture The tincture of Arnica is used for external application to spra

Arnica tincture
The tincture of Arnica is used for external application to spra

Arnica tincture
The tincture of Arnica is used for external application to sprains, bruises, and wounds, and as a paint for chilblains when the skin is unbroken. Repeated applications may produce severe inflammation. For tender feet a foot-bath of hot water containing 2 oz. of the tincture arnica has brought great relief.
********Common Uses:Bruises * Pain *
Properties: Analgesic* Circulation* Nervine* Vulnerary*
Parts Used: roots,flowers
Constituents: volatile oil (containing thymol), resins, a bitter principle (arnicin), carotenoids, flavonoids.
See Also:Bay Laurel *Calendula *Comfrey Root & Leaf *Witch Hazel

****Sore Muscles and Bruising Arnica is an alpine herb with a long history of use in the folk medicine of Russia and the Swiss Alps. Today, many plastic surgeons recommend that their patients use arnica creams to reduce post surgical bruising, and athletes often carry a tube in their gym bags to soothe sore muscles. Arnica oils and creams are one of the best known herbal sports medicines, arnica has dramatic results if used immediately after an injury. Arnica helps speed the healing process by moving waste-bound fluids out and moving cleansing fluids and platelets into the affected area.


Arnica for : Homepathic Arnica
Arnica is often used in homeopathy, and should only be taken internally in the extremely diluted form common to homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic doses are extremely diluted and have no detectable amount of the plant. Arnica in homeopathic doses is generally considered safe for internal use when taken according to the directions on the product labeling. Homeopathic preparations are also used to treat sore muscles, bruises, and other conditions caused by overexertion or trauma. . Complementary Medicine – Arnica , University of Maryland (UMMC)
Arnica for : Sprains, bruises
The tincture of Arnica is used for external application to sprains, bruises, and wounds, and as a paint for chilblains when the skin is unbroken. Repeated applications may produce severe inflammation. For tender feet a foot-bath of hot water containing 2 oz. of the tincture arnica has brought great relief. Grieve, Maude. A Modern Herbal, Vol 1 1931, Dover
Arnica Side Effects: Repeated applications can cause skin irritation, which makes it unsuitable for longer term use. Not for use on open and bleeding wounds

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How to Use: Arnica

Preparation Methods & Dosage :Arnicated oil, Arnica flowers infused in oil, or extracts. Homeopathic ointments and other preparations available.
******Arnica Oil
Arnica oil is expensive, but you can save a bundle making your own. This herbal oil is excellent for treating bruises, sore muscles and sprains. Apply liberally to affected area.
dried and coarsely ground arnica blossoms
olive oil
Cautions: Arnica oil can irritate sensitive skin if applied to often.

Additions: Add a teaspoon of Rosemary antioxidant or citric acid to prolong shelf life

Ingredients: Arnica *
Herbal Oil Infusions : Fill a mason jar with arnica flowers, and olive oil. The proportions don’t have to be exact, but use enough oil to completely cover the herbs, leaving enough headroom in the jar to allow for expansion. Infuse with a slow, steady heat for 2 to 3 weeks. ( A sunny window, or an oven with the pilot light on works well for infusing oils). Strain, and pour into a clean bottle for use.
********Warming Massage Oil
Massage into muscles before exercise to stimulate circulation, and to give relief to sore muscles and cold joints
Black pepper ……… 7 drops
Rosemary …………. 6 drops
Juniper ………….. 5 drops
Carrier oil ……….. 1 ounce
Variations: Eucalyptus, pine, orange, and/ or peppermint oils

Ingredients: Juniper * Black Pepper * Rosemary * Arnica *
Essential Oil Blend : Using the same ratio of 1 more drop of black pepper than the other oils you can make up more than one application of this blend and store in an amber bottle. It seems to get better with age.