22 french decor bathroom ideas

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French Country Home

French Country Home -   22 french decor bathroom

Bookshelves, cupboards an open armoire or hutch with dishes. No matter where you display your treasures- when they are displayed in a beautiful way they add charm and beauty to a room. Let’s be honest. How many times have you sat and stared at a whole bank of shelves that are just waiting to be styled and felt a little bit lost. Too much stuff = can sometimes look like too much stuff. Too little = can be a little cold, blah and boring. Sometimes a whole bank or cupboard of shelves can feel overwhelming to know what is just right. But honestly, they don’t have to be. It is simple. Just decorate with what you love. Books, china, family photographs, statues- you name it. Out in the cottage- my favorite built -in bookshelves flank the fireplace. My sons and husband built these bookshelves when renovating the cottage and created them to have a vintage look even though they are brand new. I have changed them from displaying white dishes for styling or magazine projects to my favorite display- which is covering those shelves with vintage books. And though I know some may not approve- I love vintage books turned around on the shelves There is something about seeing the worn page edges and touches of gilding instead of a mish mash of colorful bindings that I just love sometimes. In the small kitchen in the cottage- it is more about useful display. Jars of extra spices, chocolate chips and sugar and flour are mixed in with a few everyday dishes. There is very limited storage in this teeny tiny kitchen and not a lot of area for tucking extras so some of the storage goes on the shelves. But it can be pretty nonetheless. Mixed with stacks of bowls and cups on the shelves, it keeps things within reach and is charming at the same time. One of my favorite display areas in our house is this gorgeous piece. Though most of time I leave the top doors closed- because I love the look- when the doors are open- the display truly warms up the room Simple whites To a few gold and pink floral accents Maybe a collection of transferware or silver and at Christmas time – I love to accent with fresh greens So how do you know what is the right way to style those shelves? Do you stack books or do you line them up? Should the dishes be all a similar size and shape on each shelf? Do you put something tall then something short, then tall again? Honestly, I think there are quite a few schools of thought on that and will readily admit that I probably am not following the ‘proper’ way of styling any of my shelves. But you know, rebel over here- so show me a rule and I will take it as a challenge to break it. 😉 For me, I simply place things as I like them step back and make adjustments and repeat. So I think the best advice on styling your shelves is to just play with them until you get them the way you like. Happy Sunday everyone Enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner