DIY tailoring a thrift store (or any shirt I’m sure) sweater.

Started by resizing the sweater per Kathleen’s tutorial HERE.

DIY tailoring a thrift store (or any shirt I’m sure) sweater. 1. Turn the sweater inside out and put it on. Pinch the sweater at your underarm and pin where it hugs your underarm.

DIY tailoring a thrift store (or any shirt I’m sure) sweater. 2. Pinch the sleeve where it hugs your arm. Pin.

DIY tailoring a thrift store (or any shirt I’m sure) sweater. 3. Pinch at the bustline. Pin.

DIY tailoring a thrift store (or any shirt I’m sure) sweater. 4. When you are pinning make sure that the seam is in the middle of your pins (ie make sure that both sides of the sweater are even at the body and sleeves.

DIY tailoring a thrift store (or any shirt I’m sure) sweater. 5. Keep pinning the whole way down the side of your body. Do the same for the opposite side. Remove from body carefully because there are pins.

DIY tailoring a thrift store (or any shirt I’m sure) sweater. 6. Sew a line of stitches along where your pins fall. Take them out as you go. Then lay flat on a hard surface.

DIY tailoring a thrift store (or any shirt I’m sure) sweater. 7.  Cut off excess. Turn right side out and wear!

Put the sweater on inside out and pin excess starting under the arm and ending at the hip. DIY tailoring a thrift store (or any shirt I’m sure) sweater. Carefully (very carefully unless you want to become a pin cushion) remove the sweater. Stitch along the pinned line. DIY tailoring a thrift store (or any shirt I’m sure) sweater. Put the sweater back on to check the fit.

DIY tailoring a thrift store (or any shirt I’m sure) sweater.

If it looks good, go ahead and trim off the excess. (This reminds me of a nip and tuck surgery. {Sigh} If only trimming fat was this easy.)

DIY tailoring a thrift store (or any shirt I’m sure) sweater.

Next, grab some of those adorable felt roses we made the other day. (Rose tutorial HERE)  Lay them onto the sweater and play with the placements.

DIY tailoring a thrift store (or any shirt I’m sure) sweater.

When you are happy with the roses, pin them on with safety pins.

DIY tailoring a thrift store (or any shirt I’m sure) sweater.

Sew on the roses with needle and thread.
And remove the safety pin once the rose is secure. DIY tailoring a thrift store (or any shirt I’m sure) sweater. DIY tailoring a thrift store (or any shirt I’m sure) sweater.

That’s it. Beautiful new cardigan from a $3 Goodwill sweater!

DIY tailoring a thrift store (or any shirt I’m sure) sweater.

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