25 Outdoor Play Areas For Kids Transforming Regular Backyards Into Playtime Paradises

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2. Mudpie Station

2. Mudpie Station -   25 Outdoor Play Areas For Kids Transforming Regular Backyards Into Playtime Paradises

Transform a corner of the patio or the yard into a true-blue mudpie-making station with a huge metal tub loaded with heaps of potting soil taken from a few terra cotta pots. If you haven’t got a metal tub, you can always go for plastic buckets. That fence board with all the tools is truly awe-inspiring, and an old table with a rough shape, having paint and scuffs on it is installed to make those lovely mud pies. A wooden drawer hanging on the board makes an excellent spice rack with tins storing odds and ends for mixing and decorating mud pies, including twigs, pinecones, pebbles, and coloured sand. Also keep spoons, water and wash bins handy.

DIY Details : mysmallpotatoes


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