16 hair Waves how to get ideas
Loose Waves Hair Tutorial
Loose Waves Hair Tutorial – The Motherchic One question I get asked a lot is how I curl my hair. I am finally getting my act together and putting my loose waves hair tutorial in a blog post so you can easily refer back to it at any time! First thing’s first: it does take a little practice, but the more you practice, the easier it becomes. It takes me less than 10 minutes from start to finish to curl hair that has already been dried or (let’s be honest) a day or two old and full of dry shampoo. To curl my hair I use the L’ange Lustre wand in titanium with the 32 mm barrel. For thinner hair or shorter hair, you may want to try the smaller barrel. There is also a ceramic option that is better suited for hair that is super easy to curl or hair that is damaged/dry. You can check out all of the tools and hair products from this line here and take advantage of the amazing sale that is happening now! Loose Waves Hair Tutorial Step 1: Section off your hair and spray dried hair with a heat protectant. Step 2: Turn on your wand and set your