15 holiday Cards quotes ideas

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You Make Me Wet. Funny Valentine’s Card, Humour Card. Funny Valentine’s, Crude Valentine’s Card. Sex Card, Vagina, Love Card, Adult

You Make Me Wet. Funny Valentine's Card, Humour Card. Funny Valentine's, Crude Valentine's Card. Sex Card, Vagina, Love Card, Adult -   15 holiday Cards quotes ideas

You Make Me Wet. Funny Valentine’s Card Humour by OffhandCards ‘YOU MAKE ME WET.’ I made this card for Valentine’s in 2016 and people loved it which was great because I was slightly embarrassed because I am a male and I made a card that is quite sexual and intimate, but it flew off the e-shelves and I was so delighted that I nearly cracked a smile! So, here it is again. Just for you. —————————————————————————————————— WHAT YOU GET 1 x A6 sized card (105×148 mm) printed on quality 300gsm professionally pre-scored matte card (left blank inside for your own message) A choice of envelope colours are available at checkout. The card will be sealed in a cellophane sleeve, and is mailed out in a hard backed envelope to prevent damage. —————————————————————————————————— SHIPPING Items are dispatched within 1-2 business days. Shipped first class to the UK with Royal Mail. International Shipping is via Royal Mail International Standard Delivery. Delivery times are usually around 5-8 days from date of dispatch to countries outside of Europe. Within Europe 3-5 days. —————————————————————————————————— COPYRIGHT © 2015 Offhand Cards


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