14 fitness Center holistic healing ideas

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Food and Chakra Pairing: Balancing and Healing Our Energy Centers Through Food

Food and Chakra Pairing: Balancing and Healing Our Energy Centers Through Food -   14 fitness Center holistic healing ideas

Food and Chakra Pairing. Learn all about our seven energy centers and how we can heal our bodies and balance our chakras with the food we eat! I’ve collaborated with Chakra Love, a Seattle-based company of beautiful, handcrafted healing crystal jewelry and spiritual tools, to bring you this Food and Chakra Pairing! I first started teaching myself and learning about chakras, meditation, and healing crystals about two years ago. At the time, I was dealing with a health issue and was back and forth between doctors and putting several different new medications in my body. I needed to discover holistic approaches in conjunction to this, and once I did, I was amazed at how much it helped me. I already regularly did yoga, but I also added


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